Online 85hr Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training

Empowering Pregnancy, Birth and Motherhood

Return to the Self

Return to the Self was founded by Jo Shakti Argañaraz, to honour the divine feminine and feminine cyclical wisdom through yoga and ritual.  She is a home for all authentic practices which bring us back to wholeness and our true nature as an embodied divine sacred being.  She is a space for yoga and ritual practices which can reflect the inner seasons of womanhood.  She recognises the diversity of the experience of the female body and her needs, we are the temple and we honour her.

Return to the Self was created for women to come together in sisterhood circles, through Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (Empowering Pregnancy, Birth and Motherhood), Women’s Spirituality Immersion courses, Shakti Celebrations (an annual event held in Bali and Dubai) and Pilgrimages to sacred sights around the world.  Collectively, we rise, rooted.

Return to the Self is a home for feminine empowerment. This time in history needs to honour feminine wisdom for the future of every aspect of our life on this planet, including the planet herself.  Respect to the inner divine feminine, in both man and woman, is respect for the earth.

Return to the Self is a space for the Mystica who listens to the secrets of the feminine which are ‘hidden in plain view’ – blood wisdom, the whispers of the womb and the intuitive wisdom and knowing.  Rewilding and re-rooting we feel, we know and our lives fill with abundance and a truthful expression of our personal soul journey.

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