“Don’t drink, Don’t smoke, what do you do?’ (Adam and the Ants, Goody Two Shoes 1982, the music vid is INSANE BTW) Classical hatha yoga doesn’t leave much room for pleasure. Tapas, [...]
The heart of the mother – the inner temple of the heart Visiting ParamPranYoga’s Orphanage The Karma Yoga of Guru Munesh Sinha & Sonali Sinha On March 26th 2018, my 1 week pilgrimage [...]
FIRST TRIMESTER YOGA PRACTICE GROUNDING, EARTHING, CONNECTING, NOURISHMENT, BEING, WITHDRAWING FROM THE WORLD Adjusting to being pregnant for many women is a radical shift. The pregnancy [...]
Dark night of the soul – A grounding of selfhood into the powers of being or a surrender of self to the powers of being? As I dive more into women’s spirituality, dancing with [...]
I’ve just finished recording the “History of Women in Yoga class’ as part of Return to the Self’s online Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training. This history is rich and [...]
AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT RED and WHITE MOON CYCLES “Just as our ancestors honoured woman’s ability to create humans from her womb and feed them from her breast, they [...]
How can I have the best possible empowered birth experience? How can I have a ‘natural’ birth? I’m sure to our ancestors that the idea of having to ‘prepare’ for birth would have seemed [...]
A period of postpartum separation from the world is a global practice. In Japan it’s ‘Sango no hidachi’, for Koreans as ‘Samchilil’, which means ‘21’. In Latin American countries it is called la [...]
Ritual for Women, Honouring Sacred Pregnancy, Birth and Motherhood Pregnancy: Blessingway Ceremonies and Rituals Pregnancy is a special time for a woman to be revered and honoured by her loved [...]
The Scattered Goddess It is no coincidence that as someone who is seeking spiritual growth and a return to the self, you are also very likely someone who feels passionate love for Mother Earth [...]