Yoga, Sex and Pleasure

“Don’t drink, Don’t smoke, what do you do?’ (Adam and the Ants, Goody Two Shoes 1982, the music vid is INSANE BTW)   Classical hatha yoga doesn’t leave much room for pleasure.  Tapas, [...]


ParampranYog – Karma Yoga and Guru Munesh

The heart of the mother – the inner temple of the heart Visiting ParamPranYoga’s Orphanage The Karma Yoga of Guru Munesh Sinha & Sonali Sinha On March 26th 2018, my 1 week pilgrimage [...]


Yoga for the First Trimester of Pregnancy

FIRST TRIMESTER YOGA PRACTICE GROUNDING, EARTHING, CONNECTING, NOURISHMENT, BEING, WITHDRAWING FROM THE WORLD   Adjusting to being pregnant for many women is a radical shift.  The pregnancy [...]


Dark night of the soul – A grounding of selfhood into the powers of being or a surrender of self to the powers of being?

Dark night of the soul – A grounding of selfhood into the powers of being or a surrender of self to the powers of being?   As I dive more into women’s spirituality, dancing with [...]


The History of Women in Yoga

I’ve just finished recording the “History of Women in Yoga class’ as part of Return to the Self’s online Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training.  This history is rich and [...]


Red, White, Pink and Purple Blood Wisdom: Your Moon Cycle

AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT RED and WHITE MOON CYCLES “Just as our ancestors honoured woman’s ability to create humans from her womb and feed them from her breast, they [...]


How to have a ‘Natural’ Birth

How can I have the best possible empowered birth experience? How can I have a ‘natural’ birth?   I’m sure to our ancestors that the idea of having to ‘prepare’ for birth would have seemed [...]


Closing the Bones Rebozo ceremonies – Sacred Postnatal Rituals for the Mother

A period of postpartum separation from the world is a global practice.  In Japan it’s ‘Sango no hidachi’, for Koreans as ‘Samchilil’, which means ‘21’. In Latin American countries it is called la [...]


Blessingway Ceremonies – Honouring Women with ritual and ceremony

Ritual for Women, Honouring Sacred Pregnancy, Birth and Motherhood Pregnancy: Blessingway Ceremonies and Rituals Pregnancy is a special time for a woman to be revered and honoured by her loved [...]


The Scattered Goddess and the Seat of Shakti

The Scattered Goddess It is no coincidence that as someone who is seeking spiritual growth and a return to the self, you are also very likely someone who feels passionate love for Mother Earth [...]

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